Sunday, August 22, 2010

immersion days

Immersion Days were this past weekend, and I got to go to the far away land of Apastapeque (that's right - just a small canton 10 minutes outside of where I live now) Many of the other volunteers are traveling up to 6 hours away, but not I. I was kind of bummed at first when I got my placement. I was looking forward to my first big day of traveling on my own, tackling public transportation in a dangerous country.Thats a self esteem, confidence booster right there. But I guess I wasn't meant to venture out by myself quite yet. My spanish level is one of the lowest, so I guess PC just played it smart, and looked out for my safety on this one. Whatever the reason, It doesn't matter, because it still was an incredible weekend. I spent half the time with another volunteer and the other half with a family. I stayed with the most incredible family. I have never talked as much spanish here as I did with them this weekend. That was my confidence booster for the weekend. I'm able to have a conversation longer than 5 minutes, wow maybe they do understand me after all. They really wanted to learn about me, and they weren't giving up until they did so. They changed words in sentences so that I understood. There were 4 daughters ranging from 7-16, and were all just so wonderful! Its just crazy how comfortable and "at home" i felt at their house. A house where 4 daughters shared a bedroom not much larger then my bathroom in the United States. A house, where I slept pretty much on a piece of wood, where I felt bugs crawling on me as I slept, and a bathroom full of spiders about 20 feet from their house (dodging at least 12 roosters, 3 pigs, and 4 cats to get there). But I felt more safe and "at home" there than I have anywhere else since I've been here. Just another example to show it really doesn't matter where you are, or how much you have. IT'S THE PEOPLE. So I spent half my time with them, and half my time with a volunteer (who has been here for a year). It was great to go around and shadow her, and it got me completely stoked to get to my new site. Some of her projects included teaching english to younger kids, organizing a softball team, yoga class with women, making shampoo with women, etc. I enjoyed my weekend with her and came away with some really good advice. She mentioned how none of her projects have been "visible", like other volunteers bragging, "I built this", or "I painted this.." But to her, success was the confianza (happiness, trust) she had with her community. Bringing together the community and promoting health and friendships, teaching little children a valuable language, etc. I see how well liked and respected she is from members of her community, and from my perspective, I think she has accomplished what she is down here for. Putting a good name to the American people, showing people we are more then just "gringos", developing lasting friendships, inspiring others and at the same time being inspired, and implenting new ideas to their culture. I'm ready to do the same...


  1. OK Jamie, ahora queremos saber dónde vices exactamente. Y ¿cuánto tiempo piensas estar allí? Es que leímos de este fin de semana de imersión y no estamos seguros si allía te quedarás o era solamete por un fin de semana, Pues cuídate mucho. Pensamos enviarte una caja de coasa que necesitas (o que quieres depende)
    Tío Bob Tía April y Primo Max

  2. Disculpa quería preguntarte donde vives no donde vices. ;-)

  3. Tio Bob, Tia April, Primo Max.

    Fin de semana de imersion fue solo este fin de semana. Se mi nuevo lugar in septiembre. Eso es muy amable si queremos correo cosas. Nada demasiado grande, tal vez algunos articulos divertidos de alimento que yo no puedo conseguir aqui.

    Espere que todos estan bien y sano. Max, Cuando vuelve a la escuela?
