Monday, March 19, 2012

My experience is now complete...

I killed my first animal this week. This is something that I didn't really want to do (once being a vegetarian and all, I feel great lastima at the thought of killing these animals), but I feel it was something I had to do to complete my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer living in the campo of El Salvador.

It started with the killing of a chicken (or just plain torturing the pobrecito). The knife was dull so it took a couple minutes of cutting back and forth before I finally cut it's throat open. I didn't have my camera, so I returned back the next day to kill a hen (in which I had my camera for). I killed the hen, plucked out its feathers, cut off its legs, but I didn't have it in me to actually pull out its insides. That is that, without much more to say other then, what have I done!!?! haha.

My last PC Blog EVER to follow soon. Look for it in the next few weeks. My last day in my community is April 9th.