So anyways, here it is, my site (which means nothing to you):
Calderitas, San Idelfonso San Esteban Caterina, San Vicente
(which is a whooping 15 minutes away from where I live now!) It is a little bit of a bummer to be in a place where you spent the last 2 months training, and everyone loves a new and exciting place. But you know, my new community will be new and exciting! I keep hearing how beautiful it is - how it overlooks a beautiful lake, and sits on top of a mountain/or hill (not exactly sure) Nonetheless, the more I think about it, the more excited and fortunate I am to live here. I know the surrounding area already and love it. I will still be close to all the great people I have met here; our families, the volunteers in this area that I met, and my spanish teacher! I'll always have someone close by. The best part of it all is, the ONE person that ended up in my department is my best friend here, Amy. Wohoo!
Also, a few other of my best friends here are literally on opposite ends of the country (with me being in the middle) so i will get to see the country eventually!
So the information I do know thus far about my site:
Population: 748 people, now 749 with the gringa coming to town!
Houses: 186
One school: 280 students
The school principal is interested in having me work with life skills and after school activities. I will be living with the health promoter, his wife, and their 4 daughters (ranging from 4-17 years) It will be fun to have 4 sisters! Looks like i won't be having a problem after all to find someone to paint my nails funky colors and designs. It will also be great to live with the health promoter since I'm sure he knows just about everyone.
One last thing, Just in case you are wondering why I am not in El Salvador in a week: (I hope this is not the case!!)

Hi Jamie, I just talked to Nora and then went to your web site. Congratulations on getting your assignment. You will not get to be a "real cuerpo de paz volunteer" not that you have a place to give your talents to. We are excited for you and will keep up with your adventures through the web site. Ann and I are starting our bike trip across the southern states this coming Monday. It will take us about two months to coplete the journey. We are taking a train from Seattle to San Diego. The route goes from San Diego to Saint Augustine, Florida. We hope to have a blog like yours so you can check in on us if you have time. Again, have fun and keep up the enthusiam and love for the people you are helping. Bill and Ann